報名時須繳交訂金400元正,餘款需於出發前45天全部繳清。所有訂金及團費,不得轉與他人或轉用於其他出發日期。逾期未清繳所有費用者 ,「翠明假期」得將其訂位取消,而其已付之訂金及團費概不發還。任何費用如於出發前十四個工作天內繳交,必須以現金或銀行本票支付,私人支票恕不接受。
若因事取消訂位,必須以書面通知及按下列章程辦理:- 出發前 45 天以上取消,每人扣除CAD$400。
- 出發前 31-44 天內取消,每人扣除CAD$800。
- 出發前 21-30 天內取消,每人扣除總團費百份之五十。
- 出發前 8-20 天內取消,每人扣除總團費百份之七十五。
- 出發前 7 天內或旅程中退出者,作自動放棄所有權利,所繳之費用概不發還。
- 機票: 團費含機票,往返「原居地」至「目的地」之經濟客位機票。
- 酒店: 酒店房間以兩張床為主,全部附有私人浴廁。
- 交通工具: 採用豪華空調遊覽車及依照行程表內所列其他交通工具;如內陸飛機、郵輪或火車等。為保障各團友之利益,遊覽車座位採用輪換制。
- 膳食: 照行程表內所列之中西式早、午、晚餐膳食。
- 節目: 照行程表內所列之各項觀光節目及門票。
- 導遊: 國粵語領隊,當地專業導遊、司機隨團照顧。
- 行李搬運: 每人限托運行李一件及重量不超過50磅。
每人限攜帶規格最大三邊之和158厘米 ( 62吋 ) 的行李一件,重量不得超過23公斤 ( 50磅 ),而手提行李只限一件及最大三邊之和118厘米 ( 46吋 ),重量不得超過8公斤 ( 17磅 ) 為準。各團員須對其攜帶之私人財物及行李安全問題以對旅客負責。本公司所採用之各類交通工具及酒店,如飛機、輪船、火車或巴士等,其對旅客之私人財物及行李安全問題,各機構均訂立有各種不同之條例,以對旅客負責。行李遺失、意外傷亡及財產損失等情形,當根據各不同機構公司所訂立之安全條例作為解決的依據,概與「翠明假期」無涉。
「翠明假期」一向以顧客為先之服務精神,精心策劃及安排各旅行團,為使行程精益求精,又或在非本公司能力範圍以內所能控制之特殊情況下,於啟程前或出發後,本公司保留取消或替換出發日期或任何一項旅遊項目,與及縮短或延長旅程之權利。在此情況下,費用將酌量增減或將悉數退回,團員不得藉故反對。每團之參加人數以不少於20人為原則,如不足20人 ,「翠明假期」有權取消出發,而其已付之訂金及團費將悉數退回,團員不得藉故要求賠償。有關酒店住宿、膳食、遊覽情序等各種問題,將依據本公司之遊覽章程辦理。若遇特殊情況,如天氣惡劣、罷工、颱風影響、證件遺失、當地酒店突告客滿、原定班機取消或延誤、政變等等,或在非本公司能力範圍以內所能控制之情況下,而必須將行程及住宿更改或取消任何一項旅遊節目,本公司得依照當時情況盡量安排及全權處理,惟「翠明假期」將不負責在此情況下所引致之損失。至於航空公司只負責機票所載的各項營運條款,如乘客未進入航機內,航空公司將不負任何責任,敬希垂注。
本章程內所列之費用乃根據當時機票價目、酒店宿費、旅遊車費、節目入場費及外匯兌換率等而定,如有任何更改,恕不另行通告。此後若有燃油漲價或外幣浮動 ,「翠明假期」保留在出發前調整費用之權利,而已繳交全部費用之團員,將不受上述條文所限。
BPCPA Travel Agent # 2668, 29122
TICO # 4273843, 4273959
D.O.I. January 02, 2019
General Information Terms & Conditions
Passengers are responsible for all visas, entry, health and other requirements and any documents required by laws, regulations, orders and/or requirements of countries visited. All passengers travelling abroad require a Passport, valid for 6 months beyond the conclusion of their trip, and with appropriate visas. Multiple-entry visas are required for some countries. It is the responsibility of each passenger to have a valid Passport and necessary visas, as well as to comply with entry, health or other requirements of the countries visited. The Operator and/or its agents are not responsible for passport, visa requirements, entry, health or other requirements of the countries visited or for any loss sustained by passengers for failing to comply with laws, regulations, orders and/or requirements of countries visited.
A deposit C$400 per person is required to reserve space. The balance is due 45 days prior to departure. (Passenger who wishes to enjoy the special Early Bird Discount must pay the full tour fare upon registration). Charming Holidays reserves the right to cancel the reservation should payments not be received within the above-specified periods, and all payment previously made will not be refunded under this circumstance. Only cash, bank draft or certified cheque will be accepted. For any payment made within 14 working days prior tour departure, personal cheque will not be accepted.
Notice of cancellation must be made in writing to Charming Holidays and the following scale of cancellation fees will be applied:- Over 45 days prior to departure, C$400 per person.
- 31-45 days prior to departure, C$800 per person.
- 21-30 days prior to departure, 50% of total price.
- 8-20 days prior to departure, 75% of total price
- Within 7 days prior to departure or withdrawal from a tour, will regard forfeiting the tour on own, no tour fee will be refunded.
Tour prices in this brochure are in Canadian dollars unless otherwise stated which based on costs of airfares, hotel rates, transportation charges, admission fees, and exchange rates at time of press and are subject to change without notice. Should any of these cost changes, Charming Holidays reserves the right to adjust the tour prices before departure. Nevertheless, this does not apply to passengers with full payment at time of adjustment. If the tour price increases more than 10 percent, you have the right to cancel but our liability will be limited to the refund of the paid amount.
- Round trip economy class air ticket is included for those air+land tours.
- Hotel accommodation with private bathroom as outlined in the itinerary or comparable.
- All hotel and airport transfers, air-conditioned luxury coach and other specified types of transportation as outlined in the itinerary.
- Meals provided are indicated as (B) for Breakfast, (L) for Lunch and (D) for Dinner as outlined in the itinerary.
- Sightseeing as outlined in the itinerary.
- Professional tour guide.
- Porterage for one piece of baggage per person.
Air ticket for those land tours only, airport and departure taxes, fuel surcharge, all other taxes as outlined in the itinerary, meals and admission fees for unpaid members or other than specified, visa fees, excess baggage charges, comprehensive group insurance, alcoholic beverages, gratuities and items of a personal nature.
We strongly recommend you to purchase on ‘All Inclusive Insurance Protection Plan’ provided by our insurance company. Premium varies depending on tour price and age level (additional coverage details for upgrade are under separate page).
On International flights, economy class baggage allowance per person is restricted to one (1) checked baggage with maximum linear dimensions 158 cm (62 in) and maximum weight 23 kg (50 lbs); one (1) carry-on baggage with maximum linear dimensions 118 cm (46 in) and maximum weight 8 kg (17 lbs). All baggage and personal belongings are at all times at the passenger’s own risk. The carriers, hotels and other suppliers who provide services on tour are independent contractors; as such, their security policies will be respected. Charming Holidays will not be liable for any damages or injuries claimed.
Normally, vaccinations are no longer required unless you travel from or via an infected area. In many places, medical attention for emergency situations is available although not as easily accessible as it is at home. Minor medication or prescription drugs should also be carried with you.
RESPONSIBILITY (Important, please read this carefully.):
Charming Holidays constantly strives to improve tour itineraries and features. If such improvements can be made, or unforeseen circumstances which is beyond our control, Charming Holidays reserves the right to make changes – such as to vary itineraries, to substitute hotels, to cancel or re-schedule our departures as deemed to be appropriate. Furthermore tour price will be adjusted according to the extension of abridgement of travel period. Passengers shall not use this as an excuse for an objection. Charming Holidays Shall be responsible to the passenger for supplying the services and accommodations described in this brochure, except where such services cannot be supplied or the itinerary used is changed due to delays or other causes of whatever kind or nature beyond the control of Charming Holidays. In such circumstances, Charming Holidays will do its best to supply comparable services, accommodations and itineraries and there shall be no refund in this connection. Passengers are responsible to observe the laws, regulations, orders and/or requirements of countries visited. Charming Holidays assumes no responsibility for any passenger rejected to enter the countries visited. In such circumstances, there shall be no refund for the unused portion of the tour. Charming Holidays is pleased to accept requests of individual arrivals or departures for independent travelers, however, Charming Holidays will not be responsible for any loss sustained by passengers for any missed portion of tour or hotel accommodation caused by traffic delay or delay in any nature. Charming Holidays reserves the right to refuse to carry anyone whose conduct deemed incompatible with the interests of the tour group. Accordingly, we are not responsible for passenger’s conduct after the completion of the tour. Should any passenger be asked to leave the tour, the balance of the tour fee will not be refunded.
Your reservation with us for the attached package in this brochure confirms that you have read, understood and agreed to each and all of the above conditions and limits on responsibility.